From time to time we prepare articles that are relevant or topical to the metal casting industry. Here's the current list:
Do You Know How to Sell?
Three years ago The Folk Group prepared an industry profile based on the tax returns filed by companies reported under NAIC’s code 3315, generically known as “Foundries.” The most current data available at that time was from tax data for the period July 2005 through June 2006. Since that time the U.S. economy went through a recession that impacted the metal casting industry as severely as any in the past 50 years. This report compares the tax return data for July 2005 – June 2006 to tax data from July 2008 – June 2009, data reported from the American Foundry Society and from data collected by The Folk Group.
Foundry Industry Profile
In our experience, the weakest part of the metal casting industry is its ability to sell. Lack of sales ability not only limits the size of the company but severely hurts profitability. This article tells you how to sell and get your price.
Short Term Survival Strategies
This article was prepared as the recession set in to provide guidelines for metal casters to take quick, effective steps to make sure they were among the last ones standing.
Go Lean
If you're not working toward lean manufacturing, you will be at a distinct competitive disadvantage. This article explains what Lean is and the steps required to implement Lean Manufacturing Practices.
Roman God Vulcan, St. Eligius and Metal Casting
Believe it or not, metal casting has patron saints. Vulcan, a Roman god, was the patron saint of metal casting and St. Eligius, a Roman Catholic saint, is the patron saint of metal casting.