Buyers' Seeking
There are no fees to the seller when The Folk Group is retained for our clients seeking metal casting companies and our client, the buyer, acquires your company.
Iron Foundry
Major offshore manufacturer shipping alloy iron castings to the United States is seeking to establish a manufacturing location in North America. Foundry must be capable of producing iron or steel castings. Minimum production capability of 500 net tons per month. Must be able to produce 2,000 net tons per month or be able to be expanded to that production level. Automated vertical parted molding a plus. Closed facility is acceptable if all permits are in place. Buyer willing to make significant capital investments in the plant. Management in place is a plus.
Steel Foundry
Buyer is seeking large steel foundry or steel foundry group. Must have arc furnace melting. Castings 10,000 pounds and up. Annual capacity of 10,000 net tons or more. Has 8,000 net tons of work to bring in. Anywhere in North America. Well funded strategic buyer.
Buyer is seeking low volume work – primarily squeezer and cope & drag. Leaded o.k. Prefer to buy work but will consider buying entire foundry. Should be located in the Midwest or work can be transferred to a Midwest Location.
Turnaround Opportunities
Buyer specializing in turn arounds. Any metal but especially interested in steel. Currently own four foundries. Any location in the U.S. Sales should be $5 million or greater.
Aluminum or Zinc Die Casting
Sales to $5 million or work can be moved to their plant. Our client will buy the entire company in place if located in the Midwest. Also open to just buying the work. Need not be profitable. Well funded and responds very quickly.