Market For Selling
The market for selling metal casting companies is very strong. The overall economy, with the exception of a few areas, is generally good. There are no hot spots overheating the market. Foundries are seeing that growth through acquisition is easier than stealing market share from competitors. Capacity shortages have eased.
Lead times are stable. A number of OEM's have determined that owning or having equity interests in metal casters is crucial to insuring continued supply. OEM's are increasingly looking to single source suppliers so some machine shops are seeking well run foundry operations to acquire.
A considerable amount of castings are being "reshored." This is due to rising costs in China and India, instability of supply and supply chain issues.
We expect the market for selling your metal casting company to remain strong for the next couple years until the capacity being added by metal casters exceeds demand.
Demand for metal casters of all types except brass/bronze is strong. Aluminum in all forms is of particular interest.