Merger Acquisition & Divestiture Consultants To The Metal Casting Industry


Specialists to the
Metal Casting Industry

Specialists to the Metal Casting Industry

The Folk Group
410 Church St., STE 204
Bangor PA 18013 USA
Ph: +1-215-340-9072

Turnaround Services

Times of economic and financial difficulties present unique challenges to the capabilities and decision making process of most management teams. Increased competition from offshore manufacturing, cyclical markets and pressure from customers have created a business climate where no metal caster can take stability for granted.

The chances of successful corporate renewal increases with the use of qualified turnaround professionals. New lender liability laws have increased the need for turnaround management. At one time lenders could take control of client companies that were in serious financial peril. Today, the courts view this as equity participation, forcing banks to avoid direct involvement with corporate management. A turnaround specialist, operating either as an interim manager or consulting basis, may replace the company’s CEO or temporarily assist in the decision making process.

A turnaround specialist brings a fresh view point and complete objectivity. An experienced professional can spot problems that may not be visible to employees and direct the implementation of solutions. With hands-on experience in metal casting, The Folk Group has special expertise to bring to the metal casting industry.

Some of the issues a turnaround specialist may see are:

  • Ineffective Management Style
  • Over-diversification
  • Weak financial function
  • Poor lender relationships
  • Lack of operating controls
  • Marketing lag
  • Explosive growth
  • Precarious customer base
  • Family versus business matters
  • Operating without a business plan

In implementing a turnaround, we will:

  1. Analyze the situation
  2. Develop and implement an emergency action plan
  3. Work to change/revitalize management
  4. Restructure the business
  5. Return the business to a new normal basis